Bannière Canopéa_jeu de societe_blam edition


Save the wonderful birds of the Celestia world and bring them to safety in the city of Canopea.

Designer: Annick Lobet
Artist: Gaétan Noir
2 à 6
6ans et


Canopea is a cooperative game based on a clever blend of skill, memory and strategy. Embark together on your palet aeronef, fly to 3D tree-cities and find birds to protect from poachers.


Within the same game, difficulty can be modulated according to the age of each player, so children and parents can have fun together!

10,00 TTC

Découvrir le jeu en vidéo



Le jeu en action !

Joueurs 1_Canopéa
Joueurs 2_Canopéa
Joueurs 3_Canopéa