Bannière Rêvelune


If you were trapped in one of your dreams, would your friends come and save you? Get ready to set your imagination free!

Designers: Christophe Raimbault & Frédéric Dorne
Artist: Anne Heidsieck
3 à 6
10ans et


Dreamwalk (Rêvelune in its original french version) is a cooperative game of storytelling and deduction. As Guides, you take turns imagining the adventures of your teammate, trapped in his dream. In turn, he or she must deduce the hidden meaning behind each intervention. Will you succeed in freeing your teammate by guiding him wisely to the end of his dream?


Game summary:

The game is played in several chapters. During a chapter, the Guides take it in turns to invent the adventures encountered by the Dreamer, respecting the narrative constraints of their Guide card (examples: simple description, obstacle, cute moment, etc.). The Dreamer, meanwhile, listens attentively to the story and then – once all the Guides have spoken – must find the hidden meaning behind each intervention, using his Dreamer cards (identical to the Guide cards in play).
A certain number of successful associations enables the player to move on to a new chapter, with changing constraints. Conversely, each failure draws the Dreamer deeper into his dream, at the risk of not being able to get out… If the players all reach the end of the dream together, the Dreamer is freed and the game is won.


Dreamwalk in a nutshell:

  • THE narrative game where you really win or lose!
  • Original game mechanics combining narrative and deduction
  • The role of the Dreamer, specially designed for people who are less at ease with speaking
  • A story to remember with each new game! – Magnificent illustrations to stimulate the imagination

10 in stock


17,00 TTC

17,00 TTC

They loved it!

Natosaurus (LudoVox)
“Christophe Raimbault - here accompanied by Frédéric Dorne - always takes a very organic approach to his creations, and Dreamwalk is a fine example of this [...] A good time to spend all together, recounting an imaginary dream for the fun of it.”
Dis, on joue ?
“I didn't expect to like it so much. I was a bit skeptical when I read the rules, but it actually works really well! I really liked it, so I put it in 5th position in my top” (cf Top FIJ 2024)
Le dépuncheur
"The experience was quite explosive, and even though I'm more adept at manipulating cubes than words, I realized that with the right mood and the right table, Dreamwalk could take you beyond the world of play!"

Découvrir le jeu en vidéo

Mise en place



Le jeu en action !

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