Bannière Imagicien_jeu de societe_blam edition


Decipher mysterious imagic formulas in this observation game for the whole family, on the mystery-drawing principle.

Designer: Olivier Mahy
Artist: Guillaume Bernon
2 à 4
8ans et


Imagician is based on the principle of mystery drawing: connect the dots to find out what you’re drawing. Each turn, a mysterious imaginary formula made up of several ingredients is revealed. At the same time, players connect these ingredients (icons) on their board, enabling them to draw a shape. No need to finish your drawing: be the first to guess what you’re drawing to win… Unless you’re wrong!


With a simple simultaneous game system, Imagician is terribly fun and addictive!


Imagician is the old version of Connecto.

11 in stock


25,00 TTC

25,00 TTC

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Découvrir le jeu en vidéo



Le jeu en action !

Joueurs 1_Imagicien
Joueurs 2_Imagicien

Pour aller plus loin...

Packshot Imagician – Expansion_jeu de societe_blam edition
Imagician – Expansion
Enrich your Imagician board game experience with its expansion.