Bannière Loco Momo

Loco Momo

Gather the animals of Loco Momo’s enchanted forest to take the most beautiful group photo.

Designers: Lenny Liu & Leon Liu
Artist: Aisha Lee
1 à 4
8ans et

Loco Momo

Loco Momo is a placement and optimization game with an irresistible theme. Become the best photographer in Loco Momo’s enchanted forest, taking the most beautiful shots of the animals that inhabit it. But beware, the animals are unruly and will present you with many dilemmas!


Game summary:

On his or her turn, a player must first collect one or more animal tokens from the Forest board (common to all players), then place them on his or her Photo board. Depending on the animal retrieved first, the player may move to another area of the forest to retrieve other animal tokens. On his Photo board, the player must respect the specific placement condition for each row or column to earn points (same or different animals, duo, same color, etc.). At the end of the 6 rounds, the player with the most points wins the game.


Loco Momo in a nutshell:

  • An accessible, clever game that’s addictive!
  • A cute universe
  • 2 mini-expansions included to enrich the game, to be played independently or combined
  • As interesting for 2 as for 3 or 4 players

17 in stock


26,51 TTC

26,51 TTC

They loved it!

Meeple in Love
“A very cute game, fluid, tense, rich in strategies and absolutely addictive! The 2 mini-expansions add a touch of spice and replayability.”
Vin d'jeu
“A quick, simple little game, with optimization and little interaction, that will appeal to puzzle fans...”
J'aime Rire
“This strategy game is as simple as it is addictive!”

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Le jeu en action !

Joueurs 1_Loco Momo