Bannière Montmartre_jeu de societe_blam edition


At the foot of the Butte Montmartre, at the turn of the century, the Bateau-Lavoir welcomed a number of artists in search of fortune. Will you be one of them?

Designer: Florian Sirieix
Artist: Jeanne Landart
2 à 5
8ans et


Montmartre takes you on an immersive journey through the artistic movements of the early 20th century, highlighting the sweet nostalgia of the narrow streets of Paris. In this majority game, take on the role of a painter and let your muse inspire you to become the artist of choice among art collectors.


With this tactical card game, you’ll be full of emotion and color!

1 in stock


17,00 TTC

17,00 TTC

Découvrir le jeu en vidéo



Le jeu en action !

Joueurs 1_Montmartre
Joueurs 2_Montmartre