Bannière Splito


In Splito, reunite family and friends and share everything with them… except victory!

Designers: Luc Rémond & Romaric Galonnier
Artist: Maud Chalmel
3 à 8
8ans et


Splito is a fast-paced, fun card game based on the draft principle (passing cards from hand to hand, around the table). Each turn, simply place a card between you and your neighbor on the left or right. Help each other complete the objectives, but be the smartest to emerge the sole winner!


Game summary:

Each player receives 13 cards at the start of the game. On each turn, each player simultaneously chooses 1 card (Objective or Value) from his hand and places it between him and his neighbor on the left or right… Then passes his hand to the player on his left. At the end of 13 turns, the players in each zone check which objectives have been validated. Two common objectives, revealed at the start of the game, are also assigned to zones that have met their conditions. Each player then calculates his personal score by multiplying the points obtained in his 2 game zones (left and right). The player with the most points wins the game.


Splito in a nutshell:

  • Ideal for groups: up to 8 players!
  • Simple rules that take less than 1 minute to learn
  • Simultaneous play means fast games, whatever the number of players
  • Constant dilemmas, alliances… and betrayals!
  • Strong interaction and fun around the table

10 in stock


15,30 TTC

15,30 TTC

The Dice Tower - Seal of Approval
Ludimania 2022 - Prix du public
Label jaune

They loved it!

Il était un jeu
“I fell in love with this little game that's got a lot going for it [...] Innovative, simple in its approach, novices can slip in between more experienced players and even win. One game leads to another, the hallmark of great games.”
Marie Grd Jeux
“Fast and clever with tension and twists. It's been out a lot and is sure to come back!”
Canard PC
“If you find the right table, you're likely to string a few games together, turning a deaf ear to the cries coming from the closet, where other games get bored.”

Découvrir le jeu en vidéo


Le jeu en action !

Joueurs 2_Splito
Joueurs 1_Splito
Joueurs 3_Splito

Pour aller plus loin...

Packshot Splito - Card 42
Splito - Card 42
Take on a major challenge by adding the Card 42 to your Splito game.